Although we all like to think that we always
have our bird's best interests at heart,
it is impossible to foresee every single
household danger that our avian friends
can get into. But it is wise to be aware
of the most common dangers to our pet birds,
so that we can avoid those situations. And,
of course, it is an excellent idea to have
a well-stocked first-aid kit on hand at
all times, in the event that a mishap does
occur. Be sure to discuss emergency plans
with your avian vet and have a list of emergency
phone numbers available.
Many birds die before their time as a result
of mistakes made by their owners, either
unintentionally or through ignorance. Learn
about the top ten reasons birds die, and
just perhaps, this information may save
some birds' lives.
1. Water
Deprivation of water can also have
fatal results. The most common reason
for this happening is due to a water
bottle malfunctioning. If the delivery
tube's ball sticks, or if a bird stuffs
an object into the tube, effectively
blocking it, a bird will be deprived
of water. If an owner doesn't check
that all water bottles are working
every day, or if it is not noticed
that the water level in the bottle
is not going down, it may be days
before an owner recognizes a problem.
Rarely, the unthinkable happens and
a bird's water bowl may go unfilled
for days, or the bird may empty the
bowl, which goes unnoticed, resulting
in fatal dehydration. Most birds will
die if water is withheld for three
days, unless lots of moisture-laden
foods are fed.
I recently treated a peach-faced lovebird
that was severely dehydrated due to
a malfunctioning water bottle. The
owner had changed the water two days
previously, and hadn't noticed a problem
until she saw her lovebird wobbling
on the perch, eyes closed. She rushed
him to my practice, when she had discovered
that the water bottle wasn't working,
and with treatment and good support
care, he survived. I have also dealt
with several aviaries that used a
water delivery system, and one or
a series of waterers malfunctioned
or were turned off, resulting in the
death of birds. Water, whether in
a bottle or bowl, should be checked
Lories Cages UK |
2. Unclipped Wings
If a bird is to be allowed freedom outside
of its cage, its wings should be properly
clipped. This means that it can glide gracefully
to the ground. If the wings are not clipped
correctly, or if several primary wing feathers
have grown back unbeknownst to the owner,
an alarmed bird may end up flying erratically
around the house, or worse, launching itself
to the top of a tree! Some avian vets actually
have a name for birds that have had run-ins
with ceiling fans (shredded tweet!) If a
bird is frightened, it may mistake a window
or mirror for open spaces, and end up with
a concussion. Contrary to popular belief,
birds RARELY break their necks with such
an injury. In all my years of practice,
I have only seen two birds with compression
fractures in neck vertebrae as a result
of flying into an object. They can, and
do, however, develop concussions, bleeding
inside the brain, fractures, lacerations,
ruptured air sacs and other serious, potentially
deadly injuries, however.
I can't tell you the number of times that
a client has told me that their bird, although
flighted, never flies, yet they are calling
to inform me that it has just flown away!
The perils outdoors are too numerous to
Birds indoors have flown into pots of boiling
water, open commodes, windows, mirrors,
fondue pots and an active fireplace, to
name just a few of the household hazards
that I have seen.
3. Toxic Fumes
Non-stick cookware and other household items
possessing a non-stick surface made from
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) can be toxic
to birds. If overheated (temperatures over
530 degrees F), the gas released is extremely
dangerous to birds and can result in death.
However, even with normal UKge, some fumes
may also be released, so non-stick cookware,
drip pans, irons, ironing board covers and
heat-lamps with a PTFE coating should not
be used around birds.
Passive inhalation of cigarette, cigar and
pipe smoke can cause chronic eye problems,
skin irritation and respiratory disease.
Birds that live in homes with smokes may
develop coughing, sneezing, sinusitis and
conjunctivitis, which may resolve spontaneously,
if the bird is moved to a location free
of smoke. Some birds exposed to chronic
second-hand smoke will develop secondary
bacterial infections, as well, which can
prove fatal.
Many common disinfectants and household
cleaning agents release fumes that can be
toxic or fatal to birds. Chlorine bleach,
phenols and ammonia can all have dangerous
vapors that can cause irritation, toxicosis
and even death.
Common household aerosol products, such
as perfume, deodorant and hairspray, can
cause respiratory problems in birds. They
may cause severe inflammation and difficulty
breathing, and after large or direct exposure,
death can occur. Any pump spray or aerosol
using a propellant can be dangerous to birds,
and these should not be used around birds.
Natural gas leaks can cause sudden death
in birds. Any type of heater, used improperly
or with inadequate ventilation can be deadly
to birds. Carbon monoxide, an odorless,
colorless and tasteless gas, can also be
fatal to birds. Anyone with pet birds should
have a working carbon monoxide monitoring
device in the home, preferably in the room
where the birds are kept. Second-hand smoke
from marijuana can also cause severe depression
and regurgitation. Burning foods, overheated
cooking oils and smoke from a fire can cause
fatal inhalations.
4. Trauma
A bird with properly clipped wings may develop
the "cute" habit of climbing down
off of its cage to seek out favorite family
members. A bird walking on the floor, especially
a small one, may be easily injured by people
who don't see it. Little Bad Boy, a green
female budgerigar patient of mine, was one
of the lucky ones; she survived being stepped
on by her owner. She did suffer a broken
pelvis and internal injuries that resulted
in her requiring surgery. Another client
with a beloved pet Quaker parakeet is still
grieving over his death; her little bird
was accidentally closed in a sliding glass
door, and he died instantly. He was following
his owner out the door when she slid the
door shut behind her, not knowing that he
was right behind her.
I have dealt with the deaths of many birds
that had been stepped on, closed in doors,
vacuumed up and one even was squashed when
it was playing under a bandana on a desk!
The owner (a student) had come home and
tossed her textbooks onto her desk, instantly
killing her parrotlet. Birds have been squished
by recliners and fold-out beds and have
also been killed by owners sitting on them
when they have crawled under cushions. Little
birds have been killed by computer printers,
after climbing into the cartridge area.
Larger birds have been electrocuted by chewing
through electric cords. One sun conure that
was playing in a pile of clothing in the
laundry basket was drowned when its owner
dumped the clothes into the washing machine,
closed the lid, and "washed" the
bird with the dirty clothes. An Amazon parrot
that is a patient of mine climbed into the
open dryer and the unsuspecting owner closed
the door and turned on the dryer. Fortunately,
the dryer was only set on "fluff"
and the bird was only briefly tumbled when
the owner realized what had happened. If
the heat had been on, the bird might have
died or suffered serious injury. Birds have
also hopped off owners' shoulders and into
open refrigerators and freezers.
5. Other Animals
Birds should never be left unsupervised
outside of the cage, especially if other
animals, including other birds, share the
same house. Even if a pet dog or cat has
acted completely trustworthy around a pet
bird, it should not be trusted. Many birds
have died as a result of another housepet
either "playing" too exuberantly
with a bird, or from the pet biting or stepping
on the pet bird.
For example, a client of mine had recently
purchased a young military macaw, Kelly.
Their medium-sized dog had been introduced
to the new baby, and it had reacted with
interest, trying to lick and sniff the bird.
They hadn't even owned Kelly for one week
when, left unattended for just a moment
to answer the phone, the dog bit through
the bird's beak, causing severe bleeding
and injury to the still soft beak. Luckily,
Kelly survived the bite, and with time,
the beak has regrown and now appears quite
normal, but the owners spent many anguished
hours, not to mention a lot of money, working
with me to keep the beak tissue infection-free,
as it healed.
Birds may also injure each other. Lovebirds
are notorious for nipping the toes of birds
housed in neighboring cages. Toes are the
most commonly injured body part, and bleeding
may be serious, and even fatal. Especially
with the onset of puberty, birds that previously
got along together, may begin fighting,
with fatal results.
Any animal bite should be considered extremely
serious, possibly life-threatening. The
bacteria found in the saliva and the mouth
of a mammal can cause fatal septicemia (infection
in the bloodstream) of a bird in very short
order. Cat bites should be considered the
most dangerous, as the Pasteurella bacteria
commonly found in the feline mouth, are
extremely hazardous to birds. Even a simple
puncture by a tooth can result in a fatal
infection. Scratches from claws are also
extremely dangerous, as the risk of infection
is very real.
6. Toxic Food or Plants
There are several foods that are very toxic
to birds. Chocolate is digested in a different
way by birds, and the metabolite, theobromide,
is very toxic to them. Baker's chocolate
and dark chocolate are the most toxic, and
milk chocolate, although less toxic, is
still a forbidden food for birds. Caffeine
is also metabolized differently in birds,
which also results in toxic compounds. There
is some data that indicates that some varieties
of avocado are toxic to birds, with perhaps
the skin and pit being the most dangerous
parts. Although unlikely to kill a bird,
to be on the safe side, avocado should not
be fed to birds. Onions can cause a fatal
hemolytic anemia in dogs and cats, but since
birds' red blood cells have a nucleus, this
may protect the cells from the severe injury
that occurs in other species. However, until
this topic is studied, it is best to not
feed onions to birds.
Some houseplants can be toxic, even fatal,
to birds. Lists of potentially toxic plants
have been published often in Bird Talk.
Outdoor plants can also kill birds. I had
a client with a pet cockatiel that died
as a result of oleander toxicosis. Oleander
is a beautiful flowering plant often used
for landscaping in Florida where I live.
Most Floridians can recognize this dangerous
plant, however, newcomers to the Sunshine
State may not know about it. This client,
new to Florida, had placed some oleander
branches in her cockatiel's cage, so that
he could chew on the leaves and bark. When
she next checked on her pet, he was already
dead! It is very important that owners be
able to identify dangerous plants that may
be found in their bird's environment.
7. Hand-Feeding Mistakes
There is no doubt in my mind that many a
baby bird has expired as a result of hand-feeding
mishaps. Unweaned baby birds should not
be sold or given to inexperienced hand-feeders
for this reason. It is not necessary for
a baby bird to be hand-fed by the family
purchasing it in order for it to become
"bonded" to them. Budgies are
routinely tamed down as pets once they have
fledged by the parents, and this can also
occur with larger birds fed-out by the parents.
Baby birds can also be hand-fed by the aviculturist,
and be visited by the new owners to allow
the babies to become accustomed to their
new families. Weaned birds can be sold to
owners, and they will settle in with their
new families in no time. So, there is no
reason for a baby to be fed by an inexperienced
There are many different things that can
go wrong during the hand-rearing process,
including feeding formula improperly (mixed
incorrectly, stored incorrectly, fed at
wrong temperature), delivering the food
improperly (dirty utensils, forcing food
into the baby resulting in aspiration pneumonia,
injuring the mouth or crop with feeding
equipment), poor husbandry techniques (keeping
the baby at the incorrect temperature, not
practicing good hygiene, indiscriminate
use of antibiotics), just to mention just
a few potential problems.
Most commonly, babies are kept at the incorrect
temperature, or the food is fed at too low
of a temperature, resulting in a slowed
down gastrointestinal tract, which can be
fatal, if not corrected in time. If the
baby is forced to eat, it may struggle and
end up inhaling the baby formula, resulting
in aspiration pneumonia. If a large amount
of food is inhaled, the baby will die immediately,
but if a small amount of food ends up in
the respiratory tract, the aspiration pneumonia
may result in the baby suffering for days,
trying desperately to breathe, before it
Infection is common in hand-feeding babies
that are not cared for properly. Bacterial
infection, fungal infection and polyoma
virus infection are the most common infectious
diseases in baby birds, and all can prove
Hand-feeding is best left up to those with
8. Owner-Caused Diseases
Although it is fun to take baby birds to
bird shows, swap meets and club meetings,
it is very dangerous for the babies. Infections
can spread to baby birds, even through the
air, even if the owner is diligent about
not allowing any direct contact with the
babies. Many diseases can prove fatal to
babies, especially polyoma virus. Adult
birds are also at risk from exposure to
other birds from the same sources, as well
as from trips to the pet store, as well.
Having parties where owners bring their
birds can also spread disease. Unfortunately,
a bird can carry a disease, and be able
to pass it to others without appearing ill.
Proventricular dilatation disease (PDD),
chlamydiosis (psittacosis), Psittacine Beak
and Feather Disease (PBFD) and pacheco's
disease may all be spread by birds that
MAY appear healthy in physical appearance.
Giardia, a one-celled protozoal organism,
can be spread by a bird ingesting food or
water contaminated by the droppings of an
infested bird. Remember that we don't even
have tests for some of the diseases that
birds can have! Deliberately exposing birds
to other birds, even if they have been vet
checked, is dangerous and should be avoided,
or kept to an absolute minimum.
Many bird owners make a common mistake when
adding a new pet to the family. Regardless
of the origin of the bird, and any testing
run on the new bird, it should be quarantined
for at least one month, preferably two,
before it is introduced into the home. There
is very sound logic for this. If the bird
is harboring an infectious agent, the stress
of moving the bird to a new home may precipitate
it breaking with signs of clinical illness.
Not every person can afford to test a new
bird for everything we have diagnostic lab
exams for, so quarantine can often protect
the family's established pet birds from
the risk of disease. And conversely, a pet
bird may have a sub-clinical infection that
it could pass to the new bird, so quarantine
also protects the newly acquired bird.
A client of mine had two pet birds, a cockatiel
and a quaker. They bought a cherry-headed
conure from a pet store, and noticed after
about a month that it wasn't acting well.
They had put the new bird in their bird
room with their other two birds immediately
upon bringing it home. The little conure
tested positive for chlamydiosis, and because
they did not quarantine the new bird, I
ended up treating all three birds with injections
(once a week) for almost two months. Follow-up
testing showed that all three birds seemed
over the infection. Then about four months
later, they called me because the quaker
wasn't acting well. When I inspected their
bird room, there was a new green budgie
in there! They told me that they had caught
the budgie when it landed on the husband's
shoulder outside their home. Instead of
quarantining him, they once again put the
new bird into the same room as their pets.
I tested the budgie, and the tests showed
that the budgie was shedding the chlamydial
organism, as was the quaker! So, all the
birds had to undergo treatment for chlamydiosis
once again! Although none of the birds died,
they had been quite ill. Testing and quarantining
might have prevented this.
Owners must understand that it is dangerous
for pet birds to have direct contact with
their owner's mouths. We carry bacteria
and fungi that can cause serious infection,
or even death, in our birds. Birds should
never be kissed with an open mouth, nor
should birds be allowed any contact with
the owner's teeth, tongue, lips or saliva.
9. Heat Exposure
Exotic birds, while from warm, tropical
climates, cannot tolerate excessive heat.
Children, dogs, cats, other pets and birds
should never be left in a car during warmer
weather, even with the windows partially
lowered. Temperatures inside a car can rapidly
reach lethal levels.
Heat can also kill birds in a more insidious
way. An owner may place a cage outdoors
in the shade in the morning, for fresh air,
and as the sun slides across the sky during
the day, the bird may end up in the direct
sun by the afternoon. With no place to escape
the sun, a bird may rapidly develop hyperthermia
and die. An overheated bird will begin panting,
and with panting, will also begin getting
dehydrated. Most birds suffering from hyperthermia
will try to get out of the sun, and may
try to bathe to cool off, if possible. If
the bird's body temperature rises high enough,
it will seizure and die. Hyperthermia can
also occur if a bird's cage is relocated
by a window, with no shade to escape the
sun. Hyperthermia can also occur in baby
birds, if a brooder is set at too high of
a temperature, or if the brooder malfunctions.
10. Sleeping With Birds
Birds should sleep in their cages. Birds
that are allowed to sleep in bed with their
owners are at serious risk for suffocation
or life-threatening trauma. Even though
an owner has slept with the pet bird for
a while, there is always the chance that
the bird will get lodged between the waterbed
and frame, smothered under a pillow, or
be rolled over on during sound sleep. It
has happened all too often to allow such
a risk. Although it is fun to read or watch
television in bed or on the sofa with a
pet bird, if there is a chance that you
might doze off, it is time to return the
bird to its cage.
Although we cannot foresee every possible
accident or problem that can occur with
our pet birds, by knowing the top ten bird
killers, you can avoid the most common dangers.