Adoption, Rescue Or Fostering?
By: Renee Riley
Recently, I have noticed too many references to rescuing birds being misused in their real context. It has come to my attention that maybe an article ought to be out there which can help people distinguish the meanings of these words and their meaning in our culture in the UK.

Where am I coming from? I studied for my Master's Degree in Secondary Education with an English major and a Chemistry minor. I was a Teacher's Aide for three years and I graduated from high school at age 15, legally. I am now an author/writer and write articles for a widely read newspaper in California, am a published author and writer of short stories, novellas, poetry and more. This may not make me a person who has the foremost knowledge about words and their contexts. However, it does make me someone who has a bit better chance of understanding them than the average Joe. A Jack of all trades, but master of none - I like to say.

When someone says that they rescued a bird, a bad connotation goes with that statement. That connotation would be inferring that the old owner mistreated the bird. Feather plucking, aggression, neurosis and other problems are not always caused by an owner's deliberate mistreatment of a bird, but are mostly from ignorant owners, health issues or for other reasons. Making an ex-owner look like they were abusive is wrong. I feel that it is unfair to an owner who gave a bird up willingly to someone else in hopes that it would have a better home, or for whatever the reason, to be accused of being cruel to the animal by being referred to as someone that the bird needed to be rescued from.

This article is written in hopes of clearing up what context the words should be used in and how they apply to an avian rescue. In the conclusion, toward the end of this article, you will find my own conclusions and opinions on the UKge of the terms; adoption, rescue and fostering.

Senegals Parrots Cages UK
Senegals Parrots Cages UK

Main Entry: adop·tion
Pronunciation: &-'däp-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
: the act of adopting : the state of being adopted

Main Entry: adopt
Pronunciation: &-'däpt
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French adopter, from Latin adoptare, from ad- + optare to choose
Date: 1500
1 : to take by choice into a relationship; especially : to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) as one's own child
2 : to take up and practice or use <adopted a moderate tone>
3 : to accept formally and put into effect <adopt a constitutional amendment
4 : to choose (a textbook) for required study in a course
- adopt·abil·i·ty /-"däp-t&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun
- adopt·able /-'däp-t&-b&l/ adjective
- adopt·er noun
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